Kumpulan Seller Amazon Ship Indo + Bonus Rayuan Ke Seller

Bagi kalian para carder pasti gak asing lagi dengan kata yg  berbau Method,
kali ini w bakal share method amazon ( US ) / amazon.com , OK langsung sadja
Alat Tempurnya :

  • Akun Amazon
  • VPN Premium, ane sih pake hma
  • Jika agan punya akun uk,fr,de,it,dll. loginnya di amazon.com aja, pake seller yang dibawah, jadi misalkan agan punya akun IT, akun itu gaperlu selalu login di amazon.it, di amazon.com juga bisa.
  • Jika agan co sebaiknya 1 1 dulu, setelah prepairing silahkan order lagi.

-Siapkan akun amazon live pastinya harus have card
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-Buka amazon.com
-Ganti email + passwordnya.  ganti emailnya 2x pake yopmail.com
-Untuk Seller amazon dibawah, ane saranin co mask dulu aja
-Lalu add cart
-Pilih Alamat Pengiriman,Lalu pilih CC
-Kalau CC minta Verifikasi number CC berarti alamat pengiriman tidak sama dengan billing CC
-Lalu Place Order, Tunggu 30 menit kalau Prepare Langsung Contact Seller
-Suruh Ganti alamat

 Seller Amazon yang sering ane pake :

Mask Nononymouse : http://amzn.to/28LwV8R
Keyboard : http://amzn.to/28Sn676
Hedset : http://amzn.to/28M9yu1  
sjcam4000 : http://amzn.to/28VA2Jk
xiaomi yi : http://amzn.to/28LTk5J 
drone : http://amzn.to/28LHHvL
drone 2 : http://amzn.to/28Vs7vs
Samsung galaxy S5 : http://amzn.to/28QZG34
sjcam5000, Gopro killer : http://amzn.to/28ODMJN
Iphone 5s : http://amzn.to/28SBmPO
Iphone 5s : http://amzn.to/28P7cY4
Iphone 5s : http://amzn.to/28P7mih
Iphone 5s : http://amzn.to/28Uym3U
Samsung Galaxy Note 5 : http://amzn.to/28PCYJz

Contoh rayuan yang ane pake : 


I want to change the shipping address for my order.
I had a brother, is #Nama#
on his birthday I wanted to give him a surprise The #NAMA BARANG ORDERAN LU#
If you can, please change the delivery address to the address of my brother
The address is :

Name : 
Address 1 : 
Address 2 :
Zip code : 
Country : 
Phone : 

Sekian Semoga Bermanfaat, Terimakasih 

4 Responses to "Kumpulan Seller Amazon Ship Indo + Bonus Rayuan Ke Seller"

  1. Itu emang harus di ganti pasword sama emailnya, Acc si bule?

  2. Hello,

    There was a problem confirming your payment information. You will not be able to access your account until we verify your information.

    You can help us resolve this issue by replying to this message with the billing name, address, and phone number registered to your card. Please reply from the email address registered to your Amazon.com account.

    If the payment method you used was not issued within the United States or Canada, you must send the following information to our secure fax line:

    -- A copy of your statement for the payment card that you used on recent orders, including the billing address
    -- The last two digits of the payment card
    -- Your name, phone number, and email address

    You can find our fax number on the Amazon.com Help page:


    To protect your information, we restrict access to your payment information to a team of account specialists.

    You can expect a response from us within 24 hours of sending your fax. Please reply to this email if you believe we took this action in error.


    ini kenapa ya padhal dah bener
